Personality Assessments (37)

Using Personality Assessments Self-assessments can help make sense of yourself in relation to other people. Personality assessments can describe your strategy or state. However, due to the limited results and biases, they cannot give a complete understanding of who you are. To obtain a full understanding of personality, its necessary to use
Mentalization (34)

Mentalization Mentalization is the way we understand our emotions and thoughts. It’s also the way we understand other people’s emotions and thoughts. The creation of these templates begins very early in life. These templates rely heavily on the interaction between parent and child. This is because the child is highly attuned to
Attachment, Co-Dependency, & Co-Regulation (repost)

How does human relationship come from our nervous system and our body? Attachment styles are very much human in that there can be many differentiating factors that limit us when we say, “I am dismissive”, “I am preoccupied” etc. Oftentimes, we like to label ourselves with one attachment style. This can prevent
Attachment and the nervous system (repost)

American Culture’s View of Attachment Attachment = Romantic Relationship Sometimes, it feels like a sign of neediness or dependency Being attached is often viewed negatively in our culture. Yet, everyone craves feelings of attachment. So, when we feel that craving, we often look at it as something to be fixed. As if
Have a Beyond Bright Holiday Season!

Have a Beyond Bright Holiday! Jen & Bridger talk about the upcoming re-release schedule for December and what to expect from Beyond Healing Media in 2022. Stay tuned to the very end of the message for some humanness between Jen & Bridger. Don’t forget to contact us with feedback and/or questions. May
Context, Choice, Connection – Ep. 30

Context Context involves processing the stimuli in our environment, making sense of it, and understanding the effects and implications it has on us. Its is necessary for our ability to feel safe in connection. This is because it helps us feel more confident that the unfolding of the present moment will ensure